C&R: The Next Step Forward

Chuck Violand
on Wed, 10/25/2017

Change is inevitable. Today, an on-demand, on-the-go lifestyle is the norm. As business owners, the information we need to succeed is coming at us at an unprecedented rate. New technologies, changes in policies, updates in regulations, changing workforce dynamics. If we aren’t on top of the latest trends for even one day, we are essentially falling behind.

Luckily for RIA members, C&R magazine has been a trusted resource to help you through it all. Readers can feel confident that this publication delivers relevant news and actionable advice for moving our companies and our profession forward.

The name C&R signifies much more than just a magazine; it represents the collective network of intelligence that comprises RIA as an association. The mindshare of our membership and partners, the leadership of our board, and the future direction of the professional restoration industry are all at the heart of what C&R does. 

With that introduction, I am excited to announce the launch of a new online experience. Consider it to be a dynamic hub of information; a source designed to deliver timely and relevant news, trends, events, and activities—all published on a consistent basis. With this important step forward we have created a centralized source for content. A source that elevates the voice of our members and increases visibility, because content that is easily shared builds market expertise and brand awareness.

Don’t worry, you will still receive a print publication. But now, that publication will be complemented by an online presence delivering select features, editorials, columns, and graphics from previous issues along with original material. And our editors are committed to ensuring the unique pieces of thought leadership from experts in every pocket of the industry and every corner of the globe are updated regularly.

As we build this dynamic resource, I am calling on all RIA members to hold us accountable for content that is relevant and progressive. Send us your suggestions, provide us with resources, or even try your hand at authoring an article (don’t worry, our editors will make it shine!)

I am proud to say this is the next step forward but certainly not our last. Look for even more exciting things to come in 2018. Welcome to the new C&R!