Download the RIA Cost of Doing Business Report Powered by knowhow

Thank you for your interest in the RIA Cost of Doing Business Report Powered by knowhow. This landmark report, a first in the industry, provides key financial metrics and data to help restorers assess their financial standing and better understand the costs of doing business in restoration.

You can download your copy of this FREE report and additional resources listed below.

Download REPORT & Resources

The following FREE resources are being provided to supplement the data shared in the report to help restorers better understand the principles of cost accounting in order to be in a position to establish prices independently from prices which insurers and other third parties attempt to impose upon their businesses. 

Deviation from Standardized Price Lists Position Statement

The RIA Advocacy and Government Affairs (AGA) Committee researches and assembles peer reviewed position statements on issues commonly encountered by restoration contractors. This position statement addresses when insurance carriers and their partners attempt to prohibit deviations from standardized price lists. Restorers can review and discuss the position statement to determine if and how their company would like to incorporate the statement into communications when this issue arises.

Third Party Administrator (TPA) Scorecard

The RIA Advocacy and Government Affairs (AGA) Committee has developed a Third Party Administrator (TPA) Scorecard to help contractors make informed decisions, and to ultimately improve the restorer/TPA relationship. The Scorecard is intended to be a constructive means to drive change within the TPA environment. 

Accounting & Financial Management Guidelines (AFMG)

The RIA Accounting and Financial Management Guidelines (AFMG) was developed to provide restoration contractors with a practical understanding of day-to-day accounting and financial management as it applies to operating a restoration business. AFMG was written by restorers for restorers and covers many of the important financial aspects of running a restoration business.

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