Quick Take: 5 Tips for Social Media Marketing

Serena Agusto-Cox And Anna Horner
on Wed, 09/05/2018

In today’s marketing world, influencers and social media can tip the scales in favor of your restoration firm and its services as long as you maintain quality and address customer service needs. Moreover, Raven Faudel, project coordinator at PHC Restoration, says social media marketing can help generate leads for restoration firms. Faudel offers several tips on how to execute your social media marketing plan once you’ve adopted it.

 Post a variety of content consistently.

 Highlight your team.

 Interact with your followers.

 Use hashtags.

 Build relationships.

Posting once per day with a variety of content across multiple social media platforms can demonstrate not only the services you offer, she says, but also the company’s culture, goals and diverse team. Faudel notes that you can post about funny situations that happen on the job, offer helpful tips, share customer reviews and publicize training sessions. “Let multiple team members post content, so there is a diverse set of creative minds behind your page,” she says.

Highlighting the team can be as easy as sharing photos and videos of the team at work, and should include fun facts about team members so customers can get to know them. Faudel says, “Customers are more likely to trust your team if they have seen or learned something about them before they enter their home or business. Plus, your team will feel valued and likely to share those posts with their friends on social media, too.”

Hashtags are particularly important in generating views and shares across social media platforms. These tags drive viewers to content they are interested in and can be used to highlight the services offered by restoration firms, as well as provide insight into company culture. To determine the best hashtags to use, Faudel suggests looking to similar businesses for ideas. “Search hashtags related to your business for more ideas on content and to reach out to any potential customers who have posted about relevant topics recently,” she adds.

However, restoration firms cannot simply just put content out there. They should respond to messages and comments in a timely manner. Interacting with followers helps to build a community, especially if the firm follows other businesses and individuals, which can build traffic and content views. Another aspect of community building entails highlighting other local businesses and community events and how the restoration firm makes its own impact on the community. “Show love to the people you interact within the community, and those people will share about you to others,” she says.